Wednesday, 13 March 2013

All about food (part 2)

In the last lesson, you were introduced to basic food-related vocabulary, and the most important food-related verb "manjé" with means "to eat." Remember that when speaking Kwéyòl, the word "manjé" can also be the noun for food. In today's lesson, you will learn some more vocabulary, and phrases. These lessons are aimed at helping you build vocabulary and expand your ability to communicate clearly in Kwéyòl.

Kalité manjé an Kwéyòl - Kinds of food in Kwéyol


These are very generic names for food items. The names of specific foods will be listed in the lesson which follows this one.

vyann (vyahnn)
la viande

Mwen pa ka manjé vyann pyès ankò!
I don't eat meat at all any more!

pwéson (pway-sohn)
le poisson

Si maman'w ka alé laplas-la, di y achté dé pwéson ban mwen, souplé.
If your mother is going to the market, tell her to buy two fish for me, please.

lédjim / pwodwi-tè. (lay-jeem / pwoh-dwee-teh)
les légumes

Ès ou té mété anpil lédjim adidan diwi-a?
Did you put lots of vegetables in the rice?

fwi /fwitay (fwee /fwee-tay)
les fruits

Papay sé yon kalité fwi ki gouté bon.
Pawpaw (or papaya) is a kind of fruit which tastes good.

fwi-lanmè / pwodwi-lanmè (fwee-lah-meh / pwoh-dwee lah-meh)
les fruits de mer

Yo ka vann fwi-lanmè an wéstowan-sala.
Seafood is sold at that restaurant.

pen (peh)
les pains

La pa ni pyès pen an boulanjwi-a.
There is no bread at the bakery.

Patat / ponm-tè (pah-taht / pohm-teh)
les pommes de terre / les patates

Pa mété patat adan bouyon-an souplé.
Do not put potatoes in the stew please.

lasoup / soup (lah-soop/ soop)
les soupes

George té di mwen, i enmen manjé lasoup-poul épi nouy Japoné.
George told me he likes to eat chicken soup with Japanese noodles.

fwomaj (fwoh-mahz)
les fromages

Mwen dézolé, fwomaj ka fè mwen malad, konsa mwen pa sa manjé y.
I'm sorry, cheese makes me sick, so I can't eat it.


  1. Great! How do I join your blog? I can follow this (went to UWI a lifetime ago) and, from the other side of the world, want to keep in touch with it. Peggy Mohan

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