Saturday 28 December 2013

How to say "at home"

AT HOME - lakay (lah-kai)

Saying 'at home' in Trinidad French Creole also depends on whose home it is. Use pronouns to indicate whose home it is.


At my home.
lakay mwen.
lah-kai mweh

At your (singular), home.
lakay ou.
lah-kai oo

At our home.
lakay nou.
lah-kai noo

At his/her home.
lakay li
lah-kai lee

At their home.
lakay yo.
lah-kai yo

At John's home.
lakay Jan.
lah-kai zhahn


  1. sé pa ayen machè! - You're welcome my dear!

  2. It is great to see this language being kept alive. Many thanks for your time and effort.

  3. We're doing all that we can to save this language. French Creole more commonly known as Patois, has been spoken on the island for more than 200 years. The decline began when the British took the island from Spain in 1797.
